
<十勝産黒毛和牛>カルビ250 g
<Tokachi Kuroge-Wagyu> Select Boneless Short Ribs Yakiniku Cut 250 g



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私たち和牛吉川(わぎゅうきっかわ)は、北海道産黒毛和牛専門の商店です。 長年の血統の研究と専門の目利きによって選抜された最高級品質の北海道産黒毛和牛をお届けしています。

About Wagyu Kikkawa
Wagyu Kikkawa is a shop specialized in Japanese Kuroge-Wagyu beef from Hokkaido. We only offer premium-quality Kuroge-Wagyu beef that is carefully selected based on the years of research in beef pedigrees by our expert connoisseurs.




About Our Wagyu
Hokkaido is located in the northernmost part of Japan and is a food-producing area characterized by its vast nature, covering 22% of the total land area of Japan. The Tokachi region is one of Japan's leading food production bases, where nature remains intact. Exceptionally high-quality Wagyu that is raised in the environment with abundant water from the Hidaka Mountains, rich soil, clear air, and sunny weather in Tokachi is what Wagyu Kikkawa offers.


和牛の代表的な特徴としてあげられるものが「サシ」といわれるものです。 サシとは赤身と赤身の間にある模様のような脂肪のことをさします。日本では 古くから「霜降り」という言葉でも表され、和牛のみに伝わる特徴です。和牛のサシには代々の牛の血統が大きく影響します。長年の血統の研究とその掛け合わせの結果として黒毛和牛の代表的な特徴となった「サシ」が生まれました。 サシは英語では「Marbling(混ぜ合わさった)」と呼ばれ、和牛の品質を表す格付け基準として「B.M.S(ビーフマーブリングスタンダード)」があります。

About Sashi
One of the representative characteristics of Wagyu beef is what is called “Sashi” or “Shimofuri.” It refers to the fat between lean meat which resembles marble, and is a characteristic of Wagyu beef only. This “Sashi” is greatly influenced by the bloodlines of cattle for generations. The years of research and crossbreeding of pedigrees brought about “Sashi,” the representative characteristic of Wagyu beef. “Sashi” is called "marbling" in English, and the B.M.S. (Beef Marbling Standard) is an evaluation standard for the quality of Wagyu beef.